The United Effort Organization logo

About Us

Who We Are

We are a diverse team of highly collaborative volunteers, passionate about helping our unhoused community members – our neighbors – and our community. 

We are engineers, finance and business professionals, lawyers, clinicians, university and high school students, as well as former clients who have experienced life unhoused. We bring different skills to help on-site and remotely.

Our Impact

In 2023, we remained 100% volunteer-driven. Compared to 2022, our experience helped us gain efficiencies so that we nearly doubled the number of clients helped and housed 370% more!


Clients helped


Clients enrolled in at least one program


Clients helped with housing search


Clients for whom we found stable housing


Clients helped with job search


Active volunteers


Benefits applications submitted


Collaborations with other service providers and organizations

2023 was also our biggest fundraising year ever, achieving over $52,000, half from our incredible volunteers and donors, half from grants. Our main use of funds remains licensing for our client management software and supporting our clients, but we also expanded our two open source tools for housing and benefits, and secured a much needed co-location space at Trinity United Methodist in Mountain View.

Read the full 2023 Impact Summary