The United Effort Organization logo

Mainline North

  • 2310 Calle Del Mundo (map)
City Santa Clara
Units 150
Additional Info

When selecting residents, this property gives preference to those who work or live in Santa Clara.

StudioWaitlist Closed

Minimum Occupancy: Call for info
Maximum Occupancy: Call for info
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
30% AMI $22,032

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$38,730 to $44,250

Household of 1: $38,730
Household of 2: $44,250

50% AMI $37,512

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$64,550 to $73,750

Household of 1: $64,550
Household of 2: $73,750

70% AMI $53,016

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$90,370 to $103,250

Household of 1: $90,370
Household of 2: $103,250


1 BedroomWaitlist Closed

Minimum Occupancy: Call for info
Maximum Occupancy: Call for info
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
30% AMI $23,472

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$38,730 to $49,770

Household of 1: $38,730
Household of 2: $44,250
Household of 3: $49,770

50% AMI $40,056

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$64,550 to $82,950

Household of 1: $64,550
Household of 2: $73,750
Household of 3: $82,950

70% AMI $56,664

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$90,370 to $116,130

Household of 1: $90,370
Household of 2: $103,250
Household of 3: $116,130


2 BedroomWaitlist Closed

Minimum Occupancy: Call for info
Maximum Occupancy: Call for info
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
30% AMI $27,936

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$44,250 to $59,730

Household of 2: $44,250
Household of 3: $49,770
Household of 4: $55,290
Household of 5: $59,730

50% AMI $47,832

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$73,750 to $99,550

Household of 2: $73,750
Household of 3: $82,950
Household of 4: $92,150
Household of 5: $99,550

70% AMI $67,752

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$103,250 to $139,370

Household of 2: $103,250
Household of 3: $116,130
Household of 4: $129,010
Household of 5: $139,370


3 BedroomWaitlist Closed

Minimum Occupancy: Call for info
Maximum Occupancy: Call for info
Income bracket Min income (per year) Max income (per year) Rent (per month)
50% AMI $55,032

Calculated as 2 times yearly rent

$82,950 to $114,300

Household of 3: $82,950
Household of 4: $92,150
Household of 5: $99,550
Household of 6: $106,900
Household of 7: $114,300


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